Tommy LOVES sitting as close to Daddy as possible, preferably on his lap or in the crook of his arm. His funny habit of the moment is to pound Charlie on the chest and point to what he thinks is interesting in the book or on the computer, TV, etc. He doesn't just do it once or twice but over and over and OVER! He will literally smack and point, smack and point, until it's not even funny any more! He has done it to me and to Gammy as well while she was visiting. He SO wants to interact with us but doesn't talk really at all. (Tommy does say a version of a few words: Mom, Dad (occasionally), truck, hat, hot, ball. He doesn't attempt many other words yet. He is a VERY fluent listener, however. He understands EVERYthing!)
One other silly communication technique he has...point, touch, point. He has on many occasions "explained" to me how he got his boo-boo. He'll come running to me ouchy (in pain but not crying), and Tommy will pat his head (the spot where he bumped it) and then point to the item that hurt him. He has lots of times patted the corners of walls, tables, and other objects which he bumped into and hurt himself on. Kinda cute. :) I then narrate something like, "Oh, poor Tom Tom. You bumped your head on the wall." Little Tommy then nods his head slowly to indicate I understood him correctly.
Tommy has also cracked us up with his shoulder-shrug-palms-up move that indicates, "I don't know" in Tommy language. We'll ask him something like, "Where is Sarah?" and if she's not around, he'll whip out the "dunno" pose with his arms. He almost always can take us to toys or other important objects that we ask about. For example, if I ask where his doggie (blankie) is, he will inevitably take off running and go straight to it. He is remarkably adept at taking me straight to stuff that is important to him, i.e. a missing (to Mom) milk cup that I want to find or some book that we read (Tommy LOVES books!)
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