Tommy loves his twin buddies, Kyle and Kaden, who also LOVE dressing up and wrestling, too! Tommy is enamored with their daddy because he is a real, live SOLDIER! He is super impressed with real soldiers and the twins' dad flies real helicopters in battle, even more impressive! This super sweet family is the one who shared their home with us for six months for FREE, and they didn't know us from adam. The twins' Mom is probably one of the nicest people I've ever met. Kara is so great!

This Superman's expression melts me:

Tommy often tells us, "Superman do's this:" (and then he strikes a typical Superman stance.) Love Tommy's made-up word, "do's." Not does, but do's.

Party guests cross the street to walk the block to our neighborhood park for some outdoor Superhero games.

"Good guy, Good guy, BAD guy!" (a.k.a. Duck, duck, Goose!)

Superheroes have great balance and skill with breakable eggs!

Fletcher's cute superhero sign and Sarah's superhero welcome:

The dress-ups wait to be donned by party guests.

Superheroes cover most surfaces in the den to set the party mood and give newly arrived guests something immediate to play with while the other kids run around in their dress-ups doing super-feats, like ninja kicks and flying.

Another one of Fletcher's birthday signs for Tommy:

Tommy got a new pool towel from us which we used to set the mood on the dining table where the kids would color superhero pictures. Tommy LOVES his new towel and often mimics the brief preview he's seen of Green Lantern spinning into his hero outfit. He cracks us up imitating his favorite heroes' moves.

The kids made these super cool animal crayons with Gammy last summer at Gammy Popsy Camp. Tommy's guests got one in their party favor bag along with some other small toys.