Tommy's new friend, Cape, was a great playmate tonight. The boys played Hiden' where Tommy proceeded to count to five or nine and then call what sounded like, "chicken pie," but was really, "Peekin' pie." He was trying to imitate his older siblings who count out loud and then yell, "Apples, peaches, pumpkin pie, whose not ready, call an I!"

Tommy and Cape played, "Catchin' bad guys," in which they found the bad super heros and "caught" them with "nets." They kept bringing bad guys down to show me on the ends of their respective sticks.

After Sarah and Paris decorated bracelets, they decorated Cape and Tommy with war "paint" since they were playing "Mare-icans" (Native Americans) Warriors.

"Baf-tize"...apparently, Tommy thinks the word baptize is really "bath-tize," maybe because when he has seen people get baptized, they are dunked under water in what appears to him to be a large bath tub, hence the word "bath" with his three year old pronunciation "baf-" tize. :) love it!
Today I told Tommy to be brave like Superman when I went to brush his teeth and he was disappointed that the adult "spicy" toothpaste was on his brush instead of the milder kid version. "Mom, me want kid kind!" "Tommy, be brave like Superman." Tommy just looked at me seriously and stated emphatically, "Mom, me NOT Superman!"
I overheard this exchange between Tommy and his new friend, Cape, whom we all fell in love with tonight when he played at our house. They were playing, "Native Americans," which Tommy just calls, "Mare-icans!" with much gusto. As the two little friends ran down the stairs into the basement taking their make-shift weapons with them into their couch-cushion tepees, Tommy declares, "Me have a spear-it!" Cape asked, "A what? A spirit?" Tommy replies with much emphasis, "Spear-it. Me have a SPEAR-it! A pokey thing." Cape seemed slightly distressed in his confusion about Tommy's comments so I say, "Tommy, you mean a spear. You have a spear." Tommy says very matter-of-factly, "MOM, I just said that! A spear-it!"