Tuesdays are fun days for the little boys and I because we drop the big kids off at their Options school and have time for just the three of us to be together. Often, we bring his best buddy, Reese, home with us for a playdate. Tommy often says, "Mom, Reesie my best fwend." "Yes, Tee, he is," I reply. The pictures above are from a playdate on January 3rd when the boys had gotten so hot and sweaty from jumping on the couch cushions that had, at one time, made up their fort but turned into their mosh pit. They came upstairs to the kitchen from the basement saying, "We are SO hot!" I told them they could always take their shirts off until they cooled down. Well, they thought that was a fabulous idea. I cracked up watching them sit on the stairs without their shirts "cooling off." Within two seconds of being bare-chested I heard Tommy say to Reese, "Youz lucky! Me wish I had brown skin like you!" Reese just looked at him blankly. Tommy quickly followed up those comments with this one, "You have man nipples. Me have baby nipples!" They then proceeded to pinch their nipples giggling together. So glad I was in the kitchen to hear that exchange!
LOL!!!! The whole post makes me laugh - the shirtless boys in Jan., the brown skin comment (ADORABLE), and then the man vs. baby nipples. HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!