Tommy's ready for the Seder...he knows his best buddy's family is coming to celebrate with us!

Here is our table ready for the Seder with the symbolic elements at each place. We didn't put out the four cups (each!) of wine/grape juice per person until we actually started the ceremony and everyone (all 7 kids age nine and under, 10 adults) was seated...a bit concerned about wine/purple grape juice stains on the carpet. Can you believe there wasn't a one?!?!

Fun using my Gramma's pretty things for the ceremony.

Sally Johnson was so sweet to come a few hours early to help arrange, organize, set-up and cook with me. Her presence was sooooo helpful (and calming!) She is SUCH a sweet heart! I am so thankful she wanted to help!

The actual meal turned out to be yummy. We served grilled lamb and chicken (for the kids), mashed potatoes, tzimmes (traditional Jewish dish with carrots, sweet potatoes, oj, honey), spinach salad, pineapple, charoset (an apple nut mixture used as part of the Seder ceremony but also yummy to serve during the meal) and, of course, Matzah (NO bread...can't have any yeast in the house!) Sally made a banana pudding dessert for us at Fletcher's request (she had made it when Noah was born and he has been wanting it again since then!) I had the desire and all the supplies to make Matzah ball soup as an addition to our meal to try and keep to traditional Jewish fare, but....time ran out! So, that will probably be our meal (and cooking lesson for the kids!) this week during Passover. I'm looking forward to it!
Gramma would have loved the table Wens. So beautiful! What a fun tradition. Love stylin' Tommy and Fletcher's request for nana pudding. Your boys have good taste!