Saturday, April 9, 2011

What I do want to remember...

How Tommy asks as we are driving down Parker Road, "Us go home now?" Yes, buddy, we are going home. "Us play monkeys?" (meaning, "Can we play monkeys when we get home, Mom?") When I say, "Yes, you can play monkeys when we get home, bud." I hear from the bench behind me, "Yay!! Pairwis, us play monkeys, Yes!" Ohhh, these are the things I want to remember.
Tommy in an ultra-serious (very rare, indeed!) stance as a football toting astronaut. He loves his new dress-up, although his expression doesn't show it!
This astronaut apparently rides space shuttles and horses! Nice boots, bud!

What I don't mind forgetting is that this precious, dress-up loving three year old has been pooping in his underwear for three weeks straight. I have had to clean poop-filled underwear daily for weeks on end. I've never put him in pull-ups, and we've not gone back to diapers because he's three; he GETS it...he just has some phobia/fear about pooping in the potty....I dunno. He pees just great. I think he's had like two accidents ever type thing with the pee-pee potty training. He has only pooped in the potty a few times and other than those times, he's gone right in his underwear like it is a diaper! Argh! YUCK! I have a strong feeling that I'm the idiot here. My "Mommy stubbornness" might be losing on this battle. All I know is that I'm NOT winning...I'm still cleaning poopy underwear and poopy three year old legs after many weeks!

1 comment:

  1. Cracking up at these adorable pictures!

    Sooo sorry about the poop pants! YUCK!
