Tommy really wanted to play with Noah in the leaves today (Oct. 17, 2011), or more specifically, throw leaves all over Noah. I found some quotes I'd written down that Tommy said about Noah earlier this year and wanted to record them on the blog. On June 14th Tommy said, "Now him not grumpy. Now him smile to me!" And on May 8th he said, "Noah is so cute- so, So, SO cute!" I agree TeeTom!

On June 14, 2011 while I was prepping the blender for smoothies Tommy said, "Now me hide. Now me cover my ears. That loud!"
I love that although I first heard Tommy call a fish "schiff" back in July 2011, he still (yay!!) calls them "schiffies" to this day (Oct.17th, 2011).
I LOVE how Tommy prays! He remembers to pray for people that we love daily. He requests to be the one to get to pray at mealtimes and bedtime and is the first to raise his little hand up if I ask who wants to pray before we eat. He has prayed every night for Gammy's ribs to heal and for her to feel better. He prays every night that we won't be grumpy the next day (ha! I think this is hilarious!) He also prays for his Popsy's salvation when we see punchbuggie cars when we are out driving around. This melts me. I've heard him pray on more than one occasion as a beetle drives by, "Please God, save my Popsy. PLEASE God let Popsy have his faith in You!" I love that Popsy's namesake is fervently crying out for his salvation. Precious.
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