Sarah and Fletch spent hours building a snow fort using plastic buckets to form the snow bricks. They were looking for twigs, sticks for the roof, and when I suggested they use the lightweight sleds for a roof they replied indignantly, "Mom, this is an all-natural snow fort! We are only using natural things for it!"

Parie just eats snow constantly as she plays. She is always scooping up a handful as she walks along whether climbing back up the sledding hill or playing around in the yard.

Parie's quotable from the past year when she gets even slightly warm, "Mom, I'm BURNING!" So walking back up the sledding hill this week she wanted to take her coat off and just wear her snow pants with her lightweight three-quarter length sleeved shirt...I said, "No, leave your coat on." Isn't that what Moms are supposed to say? So I got the, "But Mom, I'm BURNING!" Parie quote. That girl is often one extreme or the other now. She's like me in that she is often cold and needs a warm hoodie on but if she is moving around in the slightest she'll get "Burning!" Sarah is still prone to being hot (rarely cold like me or Parie) and Fletch would never, ever wear a jacket if I didn't ask him to...maybe a Payson or a Charlie thing. I seem to remember my mom saying Payson would never wear a coat if he wasn't forced to. Charlie wears a coat now in CO more than Fletch would (if I wasn't around reminding him to please wear it!)

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