Breakfast table ready to welcome the fam...

Paris, almost seven, still has the demure chin tuck for pictures that she's done since she was a toddler!

Sarah was looking forward to the turkey dinner all day! She thought five o'clock would never come!

Champion turkey carver...

The boys squishing Bray during dessert.

The turkey needed a bit longer in the fryer...

The kids were good sports waiting even longer for the turkey to fully cook.

A "gang" (official word for a group of turkeys) of thanks...

The kids had fun a few days before Thanksgiving making a turkey for each person eating with us. Every person had their own color feather on which they wrote what they were thankful for about each person and one for Jesus, too. After completing all ten feathers about what they were thankful for, the person went to add one of their feathers to each person's turkey. That way, each turkey had a feather of thanks from each person in our family. Sarah's feathers were, of course, blue, Paris' naturally were pink, Fletch took orange, and Tommy's were his favorite color, green. I filled out red feathers and Charlie's were brownish. The kids were so tickled that everyone participated and had their own colors. It's the small things in life!
Love your table annnd your gang of turkey idea! I'll have to keep that in my memory bank!