Our Dallas Stars fan (hence the yellow and green colors for the birthday balloons) lays peacefully sleeping on the 25th but...

is awakened by his parents and siblings at midnight (hey, it's the 26th now, baby!)

Fletcher gets to open a present in the middle of the night, and this year it is Noah's gift to him, a Pirates of the Caribbean Lego set.

We can't believe Fletcher is NINE!

A jumping Monster truck from Tommy and from Parie, a Lego plane that is just like Johnny Rocket's plane in WWII (a character from Charlie's made-up stories that the kids beg to hear on car rides).

We had a super fun family day full of outdoor rollerblading at a local park's hockey rink (the snow is finally melted!) and then watching Fletcher's second indoor inline hockey practice at the Aurora Skate City where the kids' public school from last year held their elementary skating parties. Fletcher is having his inline hockey party there on Saturday with his buddies and siblings. Everyone is so excited. Both Charlie and I got fun "dates" alone with Fletcher today, as well. I got him during the little boys' nap time and Charlie got him during Sarah's Bible Bowl practice this evening. They got to see one of Charlie's co-workers play a real roller hockey game at the Parker Rec Center. Micah's team won 11 to 2, and Fletcher was so excited to have seen him slam someone into the wall (despite the fact that they are not allowed to "check" people which is a HUGE disappointment to Fletchie who just loves the rough and tumble checking in ice hockey!) Apparently, this slamming of the opponent into the wall was more exciting even than the three goals Micah scored for his team!
Happy Birthday, Fletcher!!!!!!!