Tommy, "Mommy, youz a queen. Daddy's a king!" Tommy thought the crowns from the poppers were quite special.

Fletcher loved the jokes.

Sarah had said on Christmas Day that she missed the poppers and wished we'd done them. Leave it to good
Gam Gam! She'd brought them in her suitcase for New Year's Eve not knowing how much Sarah had really wanted them for Christmas dinner.

Poppers are quite exciting for all!

Charlie is King of solving the riddles! He is quick to figure out the play on words.

The night ended with snuggles and sparkling beverages consumed during the newest Alvin and the Chipmunks movie played on our basement wall.

Tommy enjoyed his sparkling juice, spilling it only once on the carpet, while playing pans with egg beaters and wooden spoons (one of which broke and became his sword) to welcome in the new year.

Mid-evening we took Mom and Dad to our friends, Don and Nora's, home. The one block walk just about did me in from laughing so hard at our friend, Michael
Winnakur, who kept blowing the "Awkward Whistle Alert" and making me have a Pee-my-pants Alert!

Before departing for the adult party, our night was enlivened with a few rounds of
charades, boys vs. girls, and Things. One of the prompts we had tonight had some telling responses: Things that tire you out..."Fletcher (what Sarah said), Popsy (what Fletcher said), New Year's Eve games (what Gammy said in response to how LOUD it had become once game night started)." It was quite LOUD during game time and not just a little bit of commotion either!

Daddy and Sarah enjoying all the corny riddles.
What a fun night! Glad it was full of laughs!