A few weeks before Christmas Tommy said, "Mom, when I'z get big, me learn to rollerblade?" I said, "Sure, bud. You could even learn to rollerblade now." I knew it'd be fun to find some used rollerblades for both Tommy and Paris so they could join Sarah, Fletcher and myself when we have ours on to go on the bike path. Yay God, because our local Goodwill just happened to have two pairs of rollerblades...yes, one boy's pair and another girl's pair...and YES, Tommy and Paris' EXACT sizes!!!! Paris' pink rollerblades even look like pink Converse tennis shoes which she owns and loves. Both kiddos were thrilled with their "new" blades! The note from us on Tommy's gift said, "Because you are a big kid now!" He and Parie have been practicing and both are making progress.

"Blading" in his Superhero workout suit from Gammy!

Tommy also asked us for a real penguin. He often said, "Mom, I really want a penguin. But if I'z can't have a real one, can I please, PLEASE have a penguin dress-up?" Well, that was his gift from us! I found a fun one online, and he is thrilled with it. We love the way he imitates penguins' waddle holding his feet close together and wiggling his shoulders side-to-side. He's done it for months without a costume on, and now it is extra funny when he does it wearing his new dress-up.

A pretty "yummy" Tommy penguin! :)
The kids and I were giggling at how cute Tom Tom is and imagining him waddling like a penguin. :)