Fletcher, one of the Musketeers, was glad to switch from Shrek to more of an action figure...he just wanted to duel with his sword and found any opportunity to whip it out to battle the bad guys, namely his siblings!
Monday, October 31, 2011
Halloween Night 2011
Shrek Dragon and Baby Shrek had fun tagging along with the big kids who had fun showing Tommy the ropes..."Now this is how you trick-or-treat." Shrek Dragon had a bit of a hard time keeping up with the big kids but, thank You, God, he remained cheerful and content throughout the activity. It had just a wee bit to do with the fact he was collecting candy and anticipated enjoying his bucketful of goodies!
No one wanted to slow down for a quick pic of the trick-or-treating...least of all Noah!

Fletcher, one of the Musketeers, was glad to switch from Shrek to more of an action figure...he just wanted to duel with his sword and found any opportunity to whip it out to battle the bad guys, namely his siblings!
After strongly urging him to wear Sarah's boots for the Shrek ensemble, he was an easy sell tonight when he put together a Musketeer's outfit. We copied the mustache idea from Sarah's Puss-n-boots character because people had asked her at the fall festival if she was a Musketeer. She opted for eyelinered whiskers tonight on her cheeks rather than the Puss-n-boots mustache. She was happy tonight when a teenager said to her friend, "Hey, there's a Puss-n-Boots!" Sarah was looking forward to being allowed to trick-or-treat alone with a friend this year for the first time. She hung with the family like a good sport for the hour or so that we all went together, and then met up with her friend, Olivia, our neighbor to finish trick-or-treating while we stayed home to pass out candy and put Noah to bed.
Fletcher, one of the Musketeers, was glad to switch from Shrek to more of an action figure...he just wanted to duel with his sword and found any opportunity to whip it out to battle the bad guys, namely his siblings!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Some of the kids' best friends, Fall Festival 2011
The Campbell Family: Ryan, Raygan, and Reese (or Reesie Peesie, as Tommy calls him)
These are Fletcher, Paris, and Tommy's best friends. They LOVE the Campbells. The kids get to see each other every Tuesday now at Options. They are actually in different classes because of grade differences, but they still get to eat lunch together and play at recess. Tommy and Reesie have play dates on Tuesday mornings while the big kids are in school. Those two are Ree-dic-ulous together! So funny. So wild and rough and tumble. Luckily, they both like to wrestle and play BIG!
Southeast's Fall Festival 2011
Charlie took a break from being the event's photographer and helping with the Trunk and Treat to spend time with the Shrek family.

Big Kids' Costumes 2011
Puss n' Boots and the Gingerbread Man from Shrek:

Sarah's First Ever Art Exhibit (October 2011)
Sarah's art is now on display in the main hallway of our church. She has her very own wall. I believe she is the youngest artist to have the whole wall to display multiple works. She is so delighted to have this opportunity to display her art.
Snow Fort Fun
Sarah and Fletch spent hours building a snow fort using plastic buckets to form the snow bricks. They were looking for twigs, sticks for the roof, and when I suggested they use the lightweight sleds for a roof they replied indignantly, "Mom, this is an all-natural snow fort! We are only using natural things for it!"

First snow PLAY day, Wednesday, Oct. 26, 2011
Of course, we had to make snow cream! Fletch was the only one who didn't want any. He is the least of the sweet tooths in our family. He and Charlie definitely prefer salty to sweet foods. Those crazy boys. Tommy also weirds me out that he often doesn't want and turns down chocolate items. Not sure he is my kid after all! Unfortunately, Tommy is still obsessed with sausage, hot dogs (uggh!) and pizza. How embarassingly American poor food choices! Poor fourth child.

Picture Day at Options (Oct.25, 2011)
Monday, October 17, 2011
New used toys for fun activities...
We love Play it Again Sports. The store rocks! We've found great roller blades, a hockey stick, and now raquetball racket and scooter. Paris had been asking for a pink scooter, and Charlie had been wanting to play raquetball with Fletcher. Now, both activities are being greatly enjoyed by the kids. So fun that that store has items that greatly enhance our family time! Fletcher loves going to our local rec center with Charlie to hit some balls with him. Paris is having so much fun scootering around loving her PINK scooter.

First Chilly Day (Oct.17) of Fall 2011
Well, besides our snow day on Saturday, Oct. 8th when we got two inches of snow in the morning. The bright sunshine had melted it by that afternoon, though!

Sarah presenting her art to the Options students and teachers
Sarah did an amazing job talking about her artwork during morning assembly on Oct.11, 2011 at Options. She prepared thoroughly writing out her "speech" first on notebook paper and then on notecards. She practiced her talk many times out loud the day before and morning of her presentation, and then, she didn't even use her index cards at all during the actual presentation. Way to go, Sarah! Mommy and Daddy were so proud of you. We thought you did an excellent job, sweetie!
Kids' Self-Portraits (Oct.2011)
"Pink Popper"

A few Tommy comments...
Tommy really wanted to play with Noah in the leaves today (Oct. 17, 2011), or more specifically, throw leaves all over Noah. I found some quotes I'd written down that Tommy said about Noah earlier this year and wanted to record them on the blog. On June 14th Tommy said, "Now him not grumpy. Now him smile to me!" And on May 8th he said, "Noah is so cute- so, So, SO cute!" I agree TeeTom!

On June 14, 2011 while I was prepping the blender for smoothies Tommy said, "Now me hide. Now me cover my ears. That loud!"
I love that although I first heard Tommy call a fish "schiff" back in July 2011, he still (yay!!) calls them "schiffies" to this day (Oct.17th, 2011).
I LOVE how Tommy prays! He remembers to pray for people that we love daily. He requests to be the one to get to pray at mealtimes and bedtime and is the first to raise his little hand up if I ask who wants to pray before we eat. He has prayed every night for Gammy's ribs to heal and for her to feel better. He prays every night that we won't be grumpy the next day (ha! I think this is hilarious!) He also prays for his Popsy's salvation when we see punchbuggie cars when we are out driving around. This melts me. I've heard him pray on more than one occasion as a beetle drives by, "Please God, save my Popsy. PLEASE God let Popsy have his faith in You!" I love that Popsy's namesake is fervently crying out for his salvation. Precious.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Almost 14 months old...
Favorite shots of Noah from our family outing Oct.14th

Noah got his very first tooth (bottom left) at 11 months old, his second (bottom right) at 12 months, his third (top left) at 13 months and his fourth (top right) is going to be making its appearance by next week right at his 14 month mark.
Noah ADORES his siblings who do SO much for him. All the big kids love on him EVERYday. Tommy's latest obsession with him is about how "warm" Noah is. He'll state, "Me want to sleep with Noah. Him so warm! Him so cute!" I think Tommy is meaning Noah is snuggley. Not sure, really, but I'm guessing it is because he's been wearing the jammie sleepers and wakes up all squishy, snuggley. Tommy makes these comments, though, totally out of that context so I'm not convinced that's it. Tommy says it frequently! Daily, almost. Quite cute, though the exact reason is still unclear.
Fletcher has REALLY stepped up in his display of love for Noah. He is super close to him now. The year landmark for Noah marked a deep bond with Fletcher who carries him around daily, helping to feed him breakfast and other meals everyday. He takes him to and from the car for outings, buckles him up and sits beside him most every car ride. Fletcher is willingly choosing to sit beside Noah...it's not like we are short on spaces to sit in Chuckwagon! The fondness I see Fletcher has for him is really adorable. It is so fun for a Momma to observe! I saw it right from the beginning with Paris (and with Sarah too, but a slightly lesser degree than with Paris), but the strong affection for Noah has just recently blossomed in Fletch. One of Fletcher's favorite things to do is be the one permitted to get Noah out of the pack-n-play, yes, it IS in the master closet, and carry Noah over to watch the fish swim in the dining room fish tank.
Sarah has continued to show love and affection for Noah. Her favorite thing to do is play with Noah in the den with his one year old birthday gift that Poppa Sam and Fletcher put together for him. Paris loves to be in the bath tub with Noah to bathe him for us, washing his hair and everything. She often transports Noah to and from the car for outings, but as he has grown, it is more of a struggle for her and a bit easier for Fletch who never did it when Noah was little. Fletch seemed less comfortable with the newborn-ish stages which Paris was great with, but now Fletch seems totally at ease with the one year old phase.
Noah is 1% for height and 12% for weight, our teeniest guy yet! Noah is so laid-back and go-with-the-flow. Chill. Relaxed. Easy going. 5th baby! We LOVE him!
Family Day Adventure, Friday, Oct. 14th

We discovered cool new rocks to play on and between. This spot is off the main road just before we get to our favorite river. Lots of fun to be had here...next time we will bring wood for the campfire and smores supplies! There are lots of campfire spots right near these amazing rocks.
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