Favorite shots of Noah from our family outing Oct.14th

Noah got his very first tooth (bottom left) at 11 months old, his second (bottom right) at 12 months, his third (top left) at 13 months and his fourth (top right) is going to be making its appearance by next week right at his 14 month mark.
Noah ADORES his siblings who do SO much for him. All the big kids love on him EVERYday. Tommy's latest obsession with him is about how "warm" Noah is. He'll state, "Me want to sleep with Noah. Him so warm! Him so cute!" I think Tommy is meaning Noah is snuggley. Not sure, really, but I'm guessing it is because he's been wearing the jammie sleepers and wakes up all squishy, snuggley. Tommy makes these comments, though, totally out of that context so I'm not convinced that's it. Tommy says it frequently! Daily, almost. Quite cute, though the exact reason is still unclear.
Fletcher has REALLY stepped up in his display of love for Noah. He is super close to him now. The year landmark for Noah marked a deep bond with Fletcher who carries him around daily, helping to feed him breakfast and other meals everyday. He takes him to and from the car for outings, buckles him up and sits beside him most every car ride. Fletcher is willingly choosing to sit beside Noah...it's not like we are short on spaces to sit in Chuckwagon! The fondness I see Fletcher has for him is really adorable. It is so fun for a Momma to observe! I saw it right from the beginning with Paris (and with Sarah too, but a slightly lesser degree than with Paris), but the strong affection for Noah has just recently blossomed in Fletch. One of Fletcher's favorite things to do is be the one permitted to get Noah out of the pack-n-play, yes, it IS in the master closet, and carry Noah over to watch the fish swim in the dining room fish tank.
Sarah has continued to show love and affection for Noah. Her favorite thing to do is play with Noah in the den with his one year old birthday gift that Poppa Sam and Fletcher put together for him. Paris loves to be in the bath tub with Noah to bathe him for us, washing his hair and everything. She often transports Noah to and from the car for outings, but as he has grown, it is more of a struggle for her and a bit easier for Fletch who never did it when Noah was little. Fletch seemed less comfortable with the newborn-ish stages which Paris was great with, but now Fletch seems totally at ease with the one year old phase.
Noah is 1% for height and 12% for weight, our teeniest guy yet! Noah is so laid-back and go-with-the-flow. Chill. Relaxed. Easy going. 5th baby! We LOVE him!
LOVE hearing how your kiddos are loving their littlest sibling. It makes me super excited to see our kiddos with the 3rd! William will most likely remember me pregnant and remember the baby as little....a fun thought for me!