Tom Tom's bangs have needed their first trim but we've just opted to sweep them (often!) out of his eyes with our hands throughout the day. I do get tired of wiping them over with my hand (and often think of my cutie Popsy who just can not abide hair in children's eyes...of which I am in complete agreement!) So, I finally found one of the girls' clippies and popped that barrette right in his bangs for the rest of the morning! He was so funny when he looked up at me after having "installed" the clippie for the first time and said clear as day, "Hat!" as he touched the barrette. I said, "Yes, hat!" just to save his developing manhood!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Tommy's Christmas also involved wearing a hair clippie!
Tom Tom's bangs have needed their first trim but we've just opted to sweep them (often!) out of his eyes with our hands throughout the day. I do get tired of wiping them over with my hand (and often think of my cutie Popsy who just can not abide hair in children's eyes...of which I am in complete agreement!) So, I finally found one of the girls' clippies and popped that barrette right in his bangs for the rest of the morning! He was so funny when he looked up at me after having "installed" the clippie for the first time and said clear as day, "Hat!" as he touched the barrette. I said, "Yes, hat!" just to save his developing manhood!
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