Noah taught himself to go down the stairs in a day. He went from sitting at the top of the stairs in the loft playroom and saying, "Ah. Ah," until someone came to carry him down (usually sweet Parie!) to scooting down both levels of stairs all by himself backward just like I would want him to do it had we taught him! Way to figure it out safely on your own, sweet fifth baby!

Oh yeah, when I caught him coming down on his own without any help, he was also carrying wooden drumsticks with him.

Here he paused long enough to bang on the stairs for a minute with his prized possession.

Here he seemed to reason that now he was close enough to the bottom to turn around front ways.

As an aside, I loved how Parie would drop what she was doing midstream to race up the stairs to carry Noah down when she heard his first little, "Ah. Ah," call from the loft.
Love that sweet boy!